
Delivering extraordinary experiences—inside and out.

Engage diverse audiences in complex transformation


Customer experience is becoming more important than product or price.

Intuit are in the midst of a dramatic transformation. Embracing artificial intelligence and machine learning, delivering breakthrough innovations, and repositioning their Customer Success organisation as their number one priority.

Rapid transformation is crucial for Intuit to hold its pole position in the ultra-competitive fin-tech race against disruptive start-ups, emerging ecosystems and mega-platforms. Successful organisational change depends on their ability to build a cohesive, motivated culture fuelled by inspired people, with strong connections to the larger impact of their work.


Overcome resistance to change with a clearly articulated brand story.

We created a vision for the future that captures the unique, life changing experience the transformation provides Intuit’s own people, as well as its 50 million plus customers that it serves globally each and every day. Coined ‘Experience Extraordinary’ – an idea that translates to devoted innovation, self-determination, and fearless thinking in the pursuit of Intuit’s ongoing mission to power prosperity around the world.

Rather than putting together isolated communication components, Mammoth designed a bold and insightful strategy alongside a multi-layered creative network of branded assets that worked as a system to hit the desired touch points. The content ecosystem included on-site and digital signage, All-Hands event brand activation, a fit-for-purpose Experience Extraordinary website, employee swag packs, a definitive brand commercial and a short-film series of eleven mini-stories.


A shared sense of identity created connectionsand belonging.

The foundations for rapid organisational transformation have been laid. The newly defined culture has unleashed optimism and belief in the organisation’s mission, providing meaning and purpose. People can more easily visualise themselves playing a crucial role in the company’s success. Carrying in their minds a clear illustration of the future state and what it means for them as they forge onwards.